What is thrombosis? Where does it cause and how to prevent it?

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Thrombosis, Characteristics of the blood vessels in people that are tubular. The components in normal human blood vessels are red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and lymph circulating within. which in this blood vessel Able to develop a condition with blood clots. Most often occur in the leg veins and blood clots that can move until the obstruction of the lungs as well.

     blood clots that form Caused by protein substances that help prevent blood clotting from working abnormally. When this protein is less active. It will cause blood clots and disorders in the blood flow as well. And if left unattended, it could be life threatening.

Causes of thrombosis

  • Lack of movement, such as surgery that requires prolonged lying still
  • Being sick with certain diseases, such as cancer or genetic diseases
  • A catheter is inserted into the blood vessel.
  • blood vessel injury
  • from using certain drugs
  • from an older age

Symptoms of thromboembolism

     The symptoms of thromboembolism may vary depending on the nature of the location. But we can observe their own symptoms as follows.

1. Big legs, swollen legs or big arms, swollen arms, press and hurt or walk and feel pain. skin color turns red pale or bruised green This may be due to a deep vein thrombosis.

2. Tired easily, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, coughing, fast and irregular heartbeat. Dizziness, lightheadedness, hypotension This may be due to a pulmonary embolism.

3. Tea, weakness on the face Or the half of the body, distorted mouth, slurred speech, salivation, difficulty swallowing, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, blurred vision or blindness on one side, staggered walking, difficulty with balance, this symptom may be from a stroke or cerebral thromboembolic disease.

How to prevent blood clots

  • Exercise and should not stay in the same position for too long. You should change your posture often. 
  • Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration. Because dehydration can cause blood to clump together and form blood clots.
  • abstain from alcohol Because alcohol causes the body to excrete a lot of water.
  • quit smoking 
  • Take anticoagulants strictly as recommended by your doctor.